unfortunately in cali we are dealing with 2 crises of addiction.

the first is obviously all the junkies sprawled out on our streets; the second is the leftist addiction to self-righteous sanctimony.

i think it will be much harder to wean the leftists off their sacred infallible dogma (where the Victim is always right, "society" always wrong, and they are the Good People who Care) than it will be to wean the junkies off their dope.

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Michael - just finished SanFranSicko and want to end homelessness in my community. I am mayor of Lodi and would like to know who to network with in San Joaquin County or N CA. Thanks, Mark Chandler

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I work for the City. You want the truth? You want a real story? Give me a call.

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"We can’t end overdoses until we end poverty.” Good grief. Clearly Kristen Marshall of the DOPE project is a full-on nutjob, as are too many others in SF who have the pursestrings. How do people get this f _ _ _ _ _ up?!!!

Sounds like too many are committed to turning what was previously one of the most beautiful cities in the U.S. into a complete s _ _ _ hole. No taxpayer should have to pay one cent into this insanity though.

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022

The City is far overdue for an involuntary state takeover. Both the Oakland School District and the City of Oakland have been through state takeovers.

Frankly, I think open drug scenes are prima facia evidence that a city or county government has failed to exercise its primary responsibility: the welfare of its law-abiding citizens and businesses. Every state Constitution needs to be amended to force takeovers of grossly malfeasant or non-feasant county and local governments. The Federal Government’s responsibility would be more a guarantee that the law-abiding citizens of a state want the government they have or get a chance to take over the one forced on them by politicians, bureaucrats and unions rather than direct Federal rule outside an emergency period involving martial law.

Public employee bargaining rights would be a severe impediment to this process. No entity that can avoid the check of bankruptcy or insolvency should grant bargaining rights to employees… FDR warned against this and he was even more right than he knew.

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"I can't end my grift until we end poverty and racism".

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I appreciate reading your pieces and you seem to want to stay positive about things, but from reading you I think you have tended to underestimated just how committed what you call the radical Left is to undermining law enforcement in San Francisco and across the USA. They have fully adopted Leninist principles of doing everything to highten what they see as the contradictions as they see law enforcement as the cause of crime and anti-social behavior not a solution. No sustained positive change will in occur in San Francisco until the radicals are thorougly politically marginaliezd and I dont see that happening in San Francisco or indeed in the USA in general anytime soon given the political realities as well as the entrenchment of these type of people in the major 501(c)(3)'s nevermind the Democratic party.

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The agenda of the progressives is indistinguishable from that of the Communist Party. I therefore recommend calling this group simply Democrat Communists.

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"Over a dozen San Francisco civic and business leaders expressed to me fear of speaking out publicly fearing the wrath of organized progressives."

Until this mindset changes amongst thinking progressives, SF won't change.

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Shellenberger says:

'We should provide the people living in tents with money, food, clean needles, and whatever else they need to stay alive and comfortable. And we should provide everyone with their own apartment unit if that’s what they want."

The cost of providing everyone who wants a free apartment in San Francisco is infinite. Just housing the current crop of homeless would cost $8B. Who is going to pay for that, you? And the more will come take their place. This sounds very nice but who is going to pay for it?

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If the residents (tax payers) of SF are too stupid or left wing to demand an end to this nonsense they deserve it. Those who disagree and can do nothing because of the idiots in charge are leaving in droves. Rightly so.

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Jan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022

The new Manhattan DA is saying all the same things as the San Francisco DA. He said that prison should be reserved for homicide and similar crimes and most crimes should not even be prosecuted. Frankly, I am not sure he will even put murderers in jail if he grew up in a criminal family like the San Francisco DA’s. I also get the impression that gulags do not count as prisons to him because political prisoners are enemies of the state without civil rights of any sort. That is probably how he would see everyone on Substack: as an enemy of the state.

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It starts with a trickle, and then turns into a torrent. People with money are leaving San Fransisco, leaving California. Leaving Chicago, leaving NYC, leaving Baltimore. Back in the sixties, the right wing Republicans used to say, "America, love it or leave it". We the flower children, answered them "Fix it or Forget it."

NOW, we vote with our money and our shoes.

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Given all the organizations who obviously make money and are empowered by the homeless, is it any wonder that subsidizing them gives you more homeless. If you tax something you get less of it, if you subsidize something you get more of it. I say let SF go down the tubes. You deserve the leadership you get. SF deserves to be a hellhole. Shellenberger is trying, but if they want chaos, I say let them have it. As a 60 year resident of CA I can without a doubt that I will be moving out of state when I retire. The leaders of this state want a utopia but what they have created is chaos. Happens to every utopia loving person....they simply generate chaos.

If the city wanted to get its act together it should tax the homeless organizations out of business. For every additional homeless person they help, their taxes should go up and up and up until they are driven out of business. Make the people and the leaders of these organizations pay. go to their houses and shit and piss all over them.

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City Hall needs to be taken down, piece by piece. From the top down it is rotten to the core. Our Mayor lied about her brothers whereabouts the night he killed his girlfriend after he pulled robbery, she’s taken bribes…..the list goes on, and on!!!

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Rehab doesn’t work. It’s a massive grift. Only 1 out of 30 people who go through rehab will stay clean and sober. Make people legal drug addicts and issue them prescription grade drugs - probably at clinics so they can’t resell the drugs. Give them a place to live and a job - preferably outside in nature doing manual labor. They are probably best off in labor camps for drug addicts in remote parts of the country.

Then cut off China. No trade, no exchanges, no travel. Cut them off completely. Their goal is to be the worlds superpower and to destroy the US. China was destroyed 100+ years ago by opium. Then they terrorized and committed endless genocide under Marxism Socialism Communism. China, Mexico and US politicians are responsible for the fentanyl and drugs destroying the US people.

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