I find it surprising that there are still people out there who believe that rent is the only reason why some people are homeless. Wishing you good luck on your election from the east coast.

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I put a $25 bill in your tip jar. It's all I had to spare. But I also gave to a Mom and 2 kids at Trader Joe's. I just wish we, the everyday people, didn't have to focus on so much Bullshit in our daily lives. Sure, I believe in helping out the cause, all hands on deck. But for God's sake, if I conducted my professional career the way politicians do, I'd be homeless too! Check out my writing to know more about me.



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I've helped people get sober for years and I'm currently in school to become a psych nurse. I can easily confirm that the cure for drug addiction is NOT giving the suffering addict free drugs. The vast majority of the people on the street need both addiction AND mental health treatment. You've got my vote.

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I lived in Venice from 2005 to 2008. We would hear helicopters above our apartment looking for gang activity every week, there seemed to be a police presence even though robbery was still common (all our bikes were stolen). The homeless situation was always rampant but during the day it was safe to walk around with my infant daughter in a stroller. Now it seems like the homeless have become the gangs and the police have completely given up, I would never walk around my old neighborhood (6th and Vernon) in broad daylight now. Sad it's come to this. The cops need to step up and get rid of the dealers.

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Tennesse making it a felony to camp in public spaces; it's an idea.

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Thank you

Who is funding your campaign?

Anything from Soros, Gates, WEF NGOs?

How have you voted in the past on


The DA’s


Racist BLM


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The elections are rigged in Commifornia. Until the voter rolls are cleaned up, mail in ballots are eliminated, Voter ID is made law, etc., nothing will change. And I was a law enforcement officer in San Fransicko, as well as a third generation SF native. It’s all being implemented on purpose.

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This doesn't play for me. The first video is just a picture of a video. The second video is a blank screen with a play arrow that doesn't work. What is the name of the video or what is the Rumble/You Tube link?

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if the water issue isn’t resolved soon, we’ll all be homeless... at least you’re talking about it.

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That was powerful Mr. Shellenberger!!! Thank you for exposing this. I wish I lived in CA, I would vote for you.

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The case you make at length in San Fransicko is excellent. That is the one book I wish every mayor in the USA would read.

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