All this sudden transparency about UFOs feels utterly at odds with the secretive and censorious trends in every other area of government and culture. My gut tells me it's a smokescreen, but from what I have no idea.

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It's total BS. I'm surprised you're so gullible about this. The only question is what the purpose of this lie is--is it a pure grift, an intelligence psy-op to cover up our own experimental aircrafts, or pure distraction from our economic misery? One thing is clear--a civilization capable of traveling from another galaxy is not going to be flying glorified drones over our air force bases. Get real.

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It’s a fascinating story because the government on one hand is telling us we should pay attention to UFOs, while the other they’re telling us there’s nothing here. I suspect Grusch is telling the truth as he knows it. Question is, has he been lied to? Is he being used? Our three-letter agencies are great at creating disinformation, and they can do that by saying something is not true, while then having sources leak information that it is true. This story deserves watching simply because our government is lying about something. Shocking, I know.

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To process this info we need some priors on (at least) the following:

1) Aliens from another planet, presumably from outside our solar system, have developed tech far beyond human (we do not have anywhere near the capability of sending anything functional to another star), and have traveled the immense distance (from memory, it takes something like 10,000 years to get here from the nearest star under a constant 1g boost, which our tech could not possibly produce, and with perfect matter-to-pure-energy fuel needs a fuel mass of about 10,000 times the cargo mass).

2) Once they get here, mostly all they do is hide, but they have sufficient tech (which they brought as part of the precious cargo) to fly low in our atmosphere, and sometimes do things like buzz around Mosul, Iraq.

3) Depsite this enormous tech advantage, and not wanting to announce their presence, a dozen or so of their low-altitude aircraft were still shot down by our (comparatively primitive) tech.

4) The people making these claims are not lying (for their own purposes, such as getting themselves talked about), or deluded.

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What’s this story distracting us from seeing?

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Please don't get taken down this road, Michael. Please.

I've spent so much time talking up your credibility and rationality.

This will ruin a lot of the hard work I've put in publicizing you.

Please don't go down the alien rabbit hole. For God's sake.

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Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.

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Let me state right away, I like many, have be fascinated by UFOs and the possibility of alien life - intelligent or otherwise. It has always seemed to me that with billions and billions of star systems (Sagan-like), the possibility of us being alone seemed remotely low. My fascination with the potential for alien life also made me think deeply about what this may mean from a religious point view. Did it negate the various theologies or actually reinforce them? I've been more comfortable with the concept of alien probes vs actual visitations since the laws of physics preclude traveling at or even a fraction of the speed of light. And if the physics are wrong, there's a much bigger problem.

That being said, I find it hard to believe that this has been a secret when almost no secrets are kept and that with 1 billion smart phones or more, we simply don't have one high resolution photo of an actual craft with a continuation of blurry and grainy pics that could be almost anything.

Recently, I was watching Prehistoric 2 - the Apple series on dinosaurs and it hit me that 65 million years ago, thousands of incredibly unique species roamed the planet for a 100 million years or more and some from a size perspective, so preposterous that it would be hard to envision how or why "natural selection" would/could play a role. And yet dinosaurs ruled the planet for 125 million years. Therefore, the incredible variations of life on just this planet seems to weigh in the favor of life elsewhere.

But until we have more evidence - I agree with many of my fellow commentators that this story may be distracting us from others. And I think we can guess what they are. I'll leave it up to you, my fellow readers, to speculate what those other "stories" might be.

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Interesting, *if true*. OTOH, there's no actual evidence in the claims; just citations of other people who knew people who knew people who saw things...

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Color me highly skeptical.

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Michael, I second others here and beg you not to squander your credibility reporting this. Personally I rate the odds of there being anything real here as approximately zero. There's a kind of Pascal's wager aspect to this: in the absurdly unlikely event that there is something to this, the last thing any of us will care about is who broke the story.

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Seriously? I don't believe this for a minute. Another substance writer went off on flights of fancy on this one.

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Interesting stuff, and it appeals to my sense of wonder. There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy! But as a practical matter, there's that other aphorism: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. So I'll keep my mind open, but at this point will tilt on the side of doubt.

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"Nonhuman origin" And we know this how?

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No, they don't.

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Micheal, don't listen to the nay sayers. Any true scientific explorer will want to investigate this. It's a fascinating story, even if it turns out completely mundane, the psychological/social/political fall out is still mind bogglingly interesting.

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