Here in LA our gas prices are somewhere close to $7 a gallon...$7!!...and just think how much that raises the price of everything else.

Shouldn't Newsom & Biden be taking a victory lap and campaigning on their achievement? Wasn't this the goal: to make gas so expensive that people use less of it, thus helping save the planet and making us more likely to shop for an electric car?

Isn't their plan proceeding apace? Are we not supposed to notice that they've promised to kill off fossil fuels and now we're living with the consequences?

The Democrats are starting to seem like an abusive spouse: ugly threats and abuse until you consider throwing them out, and then lies, gaslighting and promises of change until you forgive...or until the election is over.

Thanks again to Michael, a great job as always.

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"Of course, Biden is effectively playing poker with his cards facing up. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, or OPEC+ if you include Russia) knows what Biden is up to, is aware of the finite amount of oil remaining in the SPR, and will play its cards accordingly"


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I have a neck ache because I cannot stop shaking my head over the destructive absurdity of this administration and the depth and breadth of media coverage to insist that things are normal and good.

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I'm here because I have lost faith in American politicians' interest in promoting the good of American citizens. I recycle, minimize energy consumption, drive a small and fuel-efficient car, wear sweaters in the winter and sweat in the summer. Heck, I even take submarine showers.

Mr. Shellenberger was my candidate for the governor of California, but instead we got more of the self-absorbed empty suit who understands none of this.

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I have a lot to say about the schizophrenic energy and minerals policies of this administration (seems to be more interested in geographical name changes than producing critically needed oil and minerals), but I have to mention that Biden's claim of his son dying in Iraq is truly sad. The man is so desperate to be a Gold Star father of a war hero (how does a Green Zone JAG officer earn a Bronze Star?) that he is allowing himself to believe the tall tale. That wrenches at my heart, but also confirms with me that he is not fit to be POTUS or CnC.

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And here in California Gov Newsom and his ultra progressives are doing everything they can to actively and totally destroy ALL in-state oil and gas production, regardless of the economic catastrophe that will ensue for communities dependent on the direct economic benefits of the industry, the environmental destruction of importing all of our oil, and the geopolitical risks of all this. Many ordinary people have jobs in the business that they will lose, and there are no other comparable jobs. Many communities will lose social services because the revenues generated by the in-state oil production won't be there. It is absolute insanity and it gets worse every day. Few people outside the industry know about this.

When asked directly, state officials refuse to answer the question of why they prefer to import oil from countries that are destroying the environment and have horrible records on human rights. They refuse to answer why the prefer to import oil in tankers regardless of the pollution (and their hated carbon emissions) resulting from the tankers. I sat in a public meeting where several state officials were asked these questions repeatedly, and they never answered, just mumbling about climate change blah blah blah. Then they say the oil shutdown is all about environmental reasons. They are TOTAL HYPOCRITES and no one in the press calls them out about it. Michael, this is going on in your own state, can you provide more publicity for what California is doing to its own energy industry?

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Keep at it Michael. It is incredible that we can court Venezuelan and Iran while attacking Saudi Arabia and our own petrochemical industries.

How can we be so stupid???

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Isn't this move by the Biden Administration to ask a foreign country to modify their own policies to help influence an election an impeachable offense?

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Fabulous synopsis of the mess the Biden Administration has created with the world's energy supply.

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Amazing how Biden’s administration can never seem to manage to tell the truth! Can’t blame the Saudi’s for being angry. The US had lost all respect under this clown.

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Biden's energy policies are those of the Green New Deal whos proponents are against all fossil fuels. Previously fracked wells are still producing some gas so we will probably get thru this coming winter. A bigger problem is that Biden seems to be pushing for a nuclear showdown with Russia. Our political Elite class seem to be pushing him in that direction.

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“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to frick things up”

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Brian Deese is a liar and a coward. Pathetic a grown man can’t tell the truth when asked directly 3-4 times. We can all handle the truth because it is so, lies and dissent fuel furry and resentment. Our federal and California governance is so poor. The people at large don’t come first - that’s obvious. This mentality will inevitably backfire.

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Biden and his progressive whacko's are now playing the "Russia, Russia, Russia" card on our allies. It was all sweet virtue signaling with roses and awards all around for every pronouncement on our great green transition. But then they started to actually try to kill the fossil fuel industry and then the rubber started hitting the road. Biden is abandoned the border, he has abandoned our energy sector, he has abandoned our allies and I predict that food production and inflation will next start to become a problem.

If you want to read someone else that really knows what's going on, look up "Francis Menton Manhattan Contrarian" and read his blog. He has some really good stuff showing how their is not a single working net-zero project in the world and no plans to do one. Every plan he has reviewed has been a complete joke. In addition German nor California has anywhere near the capacity to store renewable power for the entire Country or state for more than a few minutes. And no plans to provide for such.

You get the leaders you deserve. I don't see anyway out of this mess right now. It appears to me the only way for the administration out of this is to kill the economy to force energy demand destruction. I no longer think that our current government really has our best interest at heart. This pains me to say this, but I believe a lot of our own people would like to see this country fail if they can't have their way about things.

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Your recent short posts are important vehicles for getting information to people who need to see what the Dem elites with which Biden is aligned are doing to our country. None of us who were lifelong Dems wants to admit that the Dem party we once believed in no longer exists. But we need to recognize the "pro scarcity" agenda and decide whether this is what we want for our children.

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