Could you PLEASE find a different venue than New York City? The gilded sewer of NYC is (rightfully) on my NO GO list! ANYWHERE else! Please.

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Looks like a fantastic event. Will you post your speech on Substack? If you have time to observe the "civilized people" in NYC at Columbia or NPR, you will find they are rabid red guards who denounce all wrongthinkers like you: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/uri-berliner-npr-ceo-redguard-struggle-session

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If I ever went to new york, I could not take my gun. There's too much crime in NY and I would need it. And if I had it and used it to protect me or another, the dictators running NY would throw me in to their gulag and I would die there. By staying where I am I can be of service to others. If you chose someplace safer and less dictatorial, I might go.

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Please come do one of these in Charlotte or Raleigh North Carolina. We’d love to host you. The people are hospitable, city is beautiful and food/entertainment are great. Oh…..and we’re still affordable!

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The home of the UN. One more reason to never spend a minute or a penny there.

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Please define "leading thinkers". Leading what, and where? And whom would you consider to be a leading Christian thinker? (By leading, I mean an actual Biblical Christian, in fact occupying a leadership position.) I didn't see one in your lineup, unless I missed him due to the seizure-inducing movement on the home page.

And yes, the other comments deploring your venue speak for me.

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*NYC #sigh

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Why do civilized people hate civilization?

Because somehow they began to believe everything that allows civilization development - plentiful of food and energy, law and order, and family formation are some how "bad."

As for Richard Dawkins: he now calls himself a "cultural Christian" after railing against Christians for decades. This likely because he just realized the alternative universe without Christians will not treat him as nicely.

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Why reward the monstrously bad policy decisions of these first world shitholes? A great opportunity to boycott their tyranny and stupidity! But I repeat myself :~)...

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Michael, I trust you will inform us where to find the livestream and/or recorded version.

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I would totally go, but my budget doesn’t allow for the expense. I’d gladly pay a lesser fee if it was streamed. Sorry to be that person asking for concession 🙈

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I’ve not read anywhere if we will be able to see recordings of these discussions afterwards? Do you know???

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Please lead those from out of state to at least watch online

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A BIG opportunity for both RFK Jr. and/or Jill Stein -- now that Trump guided Mike Johnson into total surrender and adoption of Biden’s cabal anti-American Uni-party policies on both wars and FISA censorship and surveillance. Trump formally joined Biden’s-deep state Uni-party and -- is effectively GONE.

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Although I avoid New York these days, despite having lived there for decades, I was considering going in for this. Then you said "Brooklyn." That's really not easy to get to. You don't even say where in Brooklyn.

Have fun with the hipsters.

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fantastic idea! congrats!

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