Could there be a greater illustration of our zeitgeist than a pair of narcissistic children trying to destroy a priceless work of art for "political reasons"? I guess they would also burn down the Louvre to "raise awareness" and get themselves more Twitter followers.

Part of what we are living through is not just the collapse of institutional authority but the collapse of all authority bc adults refuse to set limits and boundaries, refuse to defend any tradition or discipline if it goes against conventional wisdom (or hurts a feeling somewhere), and would just rather play on their phones while the world collapses around them.

Anyone who attacks Van Gogh is a barbarian who deserves a solid spanking and to be sent to their room with only white walls to gaze at.

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022Liked by Michael Shellenberger

Cuomo spent the last several years vilifying anyone to the right of his (CNN's) subjective viewpoint. No one is beyond redemption and I appreciate his newfound neutrality, especially in regard to your knowledge on climate. However, his authenticity is and will be deeply suspect for sometime to come. I do think he is correct (regarding his Dad and shutting down nuclear) that a politician is subject to the information given to him/her and the will of the voting mob. That's where authenticity comes in: knowing the matter (or trusting your advisors) ,educating the voters, and being accountable when wrong.

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I am sorry, but you cannot be Chris Cuomo and reinvent yourself as a moderate victim of the radical left when you carried the water of the radical left for most of your professional career.

I have no doubt that he does not completely share the ideology that he pushed, but push he did. Was it greed for his paycheck that caused him to sell out? It really does not matter. He is branded untrustworthy. Unlike the left that will love and embrace anyone that tells them they are ideologically pretty and their politics are good and righteous, or that even joins them to hate their enemies in kind (Liz... where are you?), the rest of us need to hold people accountable for their political actions. No slithering away.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Michael Shellenberger

Just Upgraded to Paid. Thanks!

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Ack. I just paid for an annual subscription and my reward is Chris Cuomo?

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Its very interesting to see Chris be open to these ideas. I think it just shows how influential your environment can be on your ideas and your identity. I think we would all like to imagine, that had we worked at CNN, we would have had the courage to speak out, and change people’s minds. But the truth is, when everyone around you is thinking the same way. When ideas and culture are reinforced so strongly, as Im sure they were at his former workplace. It would take extraordinary courage, and an extraordinary person to break out of the mold. Most of us would have done exactly what he did, which is protect the narrative. Its so much easier now that he is in an independent position to gain some perspective, and we should give him some grace for his priors and praise him for being open to changing his mind. This gives me hope

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Interesting conversation. Never in my life did I think I'd hear some of those words come from Chris. One needs to keep an open mind and I'm willing to listen. One of your strengths Mike is not getting emotionally drawn in by good or bad behavior, you keep to your area of knowledge and openly admit when you are wrong or out of your league - that's a attribute many of us need to work on - and I'm sure as hell including myself.

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Oct 15, 2022·edited Oct 15, 2022

In the discussion of failing NPPs causing massive systemic anti-nuclear panic Cuomo pivoted to Ukraine and said "They damaged a nuclear plant and it could kill the entire region"

Fact Check: False.

Shellenberger's rejoinder left alot to be desired. Instead off dispelling the hysterical claim myth that an NPP could kill an entire region he said "The same thing that makes nuclear safe is what makes it so powerful.... energy density etc".  Modern NPPs do not endanger millions even if sabotaged. This is extremely important to get right and Shelleberger has gotten it right in the past when debunking the hysteria pushed by the Chernobyl series. Even the worst constructed NPP and the worst NPP accident in history killed less than 50 people. Not an entire region. Modern NPPs would not explode and kill a city.

If this is going to be an influential energy/climate blog I'm hoping the wonks come on board and help explain the concepts in high resolution.

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In your comments to Chris, you mentioned “integrity” and “personal reputation”. As if personal virtue were still important today. How quaint.

We now live in a country where personal virtue has been replaced with social virtue. The social justice ends justify any behavior.

Wokies have no concept of personal rectitude or responsibility.

The two kids who vandalized the painting have no concept of personal responsibility.

No one is more SELF-RIGHTEOUS than the eco-theologians.

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I respect Michael's perspective and generally agree, but I don't really understand his "drill baby drill" attitude for natural gas. Why should the US be shipping gas/petroleum to Europe? Shouldn't the EU be working to wean itself off of gas and use electricity for heat etc? Change seems to come quickest in times of crisis. The longer we keep ourselves (everyone globally) chained to petroleum (which is already costly), the longer it will take to transition to electric everything (which can be from nuclear, hydro, solar, wind, etc) and to rebuild our infrastructure to require less energy inputs.

There are huge opportunities to make buildings more energy efficient. And a huge need for better and more extensive train transit in the US which would greatly reduce the need for people to spend their income on gas for a car which is primarily used to drive them back and forth from home/work/school/supermarket -- other countries like the Netherlands and Japan have shown for decades that if you design your cities and even small towns properly, you don't need a car at all except to rent one for the occasional camping trip to the mountains or whatever. Shouldn't we be focusing on these things, instead of prolonging our expensive addiction to petroleum and natural gas?

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Integrity is not the only thing that is important to people like Cris Cuomo and many others. Ego is much more important and it does not have any age limitation.

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The founder of Nikola Corp. was recently found guilty of charges he deceived investors with exaggerated claims about his company's progress in producing zero-emission 18-wheel trucks fueled by electricity or hydrogen. I think that is a big setback for the green new deal concept.

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People do change. I would cut Cuomo some slack.

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You finally got me to pay for a subscription. Vastly better than a years worth of pumpkin spice lattes!

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Hi Michael, I've just paid for an annual subscription - I remember some time ago ordering your book and paid a premium of $50 I think for a signed copy - this was for my daughter's 15th birthday present. To date I haven't received the book. I know you're very busy and I support all that you are doing but just wondered what might have happened.

Please keep up your excellent efforts on the behalf of truth, justice and etc you know the thing.

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I'm still not much of a Cuomo fan although it seems like he's a lot better on his own.

Hopefully many of his dedicated fans followed him away from CNN and are hearing what you have to say.

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